DEVIL FISH 1.5" Glow in the Dark Jenny Hanniver Enamel Pin

From the deepest depths of the ocean, the dreaded DEVIL FISH shows its terrifying face!
Actually... the Devil Fish is one of the oldest bits of sideshow "gaff" taxidermy in history... the "Devil Fish" is actually the benign Skate, but, with a few tweaks, the underside looks like a terrifying sea monster face... They're also known as a "Jenny Hanniver" and in addition to being a staple of the sideshow, they're pretty common in Tiki bars, too - win/win!
Our lil' Jenny limited edition soft enamel pin stands 1.5" tall, and it GLOWS IN THE DARK (the better to see through those deep, dark waters)
She joins our Fiji Mermaid and Shrunken Head pins for the ultimate Tiki bar/Sideshow gaff trifecta!